Friday, June 6, 2008

Election News And Update For The Residents Of Meadow Lake.

As of 10 p.m. Tuesday 6/03/08, the will of the People along with a healthy dose of mathematical certainty has determined that neither Commissioner Lynnette Pinkston or State Senator James Taylor will return to their offices in January 2009. Tonight, both were effectively defeated for re-election and will relinquish their offices on the last day of December 2008.
For Meadowlake, this news can be either a time of progress and growth or a time of sadness and slowdown. From this moment on the decision as to whom will be elected to these two offices is now firmly and unquestionably in the hands of our Residents. We had a historic turnout in our Precinct Tuesday - from 2004, when less than 45 votes combined determined who would be the winner in any particular race, nearly 200 voters turned out to cast their ballots for their local and National representation in 2008's Primary ALONE. As expected, it was a General Election-type turnout, and November should be double, if not triple that amount.
Meadowlake, led by those who care, regardless of what office they may hold or what organization they may belong to at any given moment, can lead the Community we love no matter who happens to be in or out of elective office; now that the votes have been cast in the name of our future, in the immortal words of Robert Redford, "What do we do now?"
The answer, in the case of Meadowlake, its dreams and its future has now become as important for us as Residents as it is for those who were victorious in their campaigns on Tuesday. In the light of this new Dawn, may the answer we give in the days ahead be worthy of the beautiful Community and the good people whose lives we strive to make better by our service - every single day.
Torres G. Leyba
Meadow Lake Residents Association

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