Wednesday, February 21, 2007

CYFD - Implement Changes - NOW

The article in the News-Bulletin on 2/14/07 and the responses made by CYFD Cabinet Secretary-Designate Dorian Dodson, should have been titled "CYFD evaluates how to best avoid responsibility"

At this point, finding excuses or looking for others to blame or, planning for some distant future changes will NOT prevent another loss of life that should have been prevented by CYFD.

It is time for this agency to own up to it's mistakes and take the lead in implementing immediate changes in it's flawed responses to the needs to the children this agency was set up to protect.

There is unfortunately nothing that any one can do to bring Amanda Piggott back. CYFD can however make the necessary changes to prevent another senseless death.

CYFD - Implement Changes - Do it NOW.....

Sunday, February 18, 2007

An Update and a Thank You

After a little over a month of intensive work, the Valencia County Hospital Planning Board presented its final three hospital site suggestions to the county commission Wednesday evening (2/17/06). There where quite a few remarks made from various representatives from local home owners and community associations which can best be summed up as follows:
The hospital is being built to prevent local patients from having to drive to Albuquerque and should be where the people are going to use it. It's not built for the doctors convenience. Although none of the 3 sites are perfect, it was the general consensus of the community representatives present, that the site at Highway 47 and Manzano Expressway would be the most favorable for the residents not living near Interstate 25.
The commission is expected to make a decision on a hospital site at its 9 a.m. meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 21, at the courthouse.
You are all urged to attend and may express your own opinions in the open discussion portion of this meeting.

Lt. Robert Shilling of the New Mexico State Police recently made the following remark to Rosemary LeBrecht:
"This situation/project going on in Meadow lake is my 'ideal' of what law enforcement should be all about...and it's about time! I'm in it for the long haul... One of my long standing 'distastes' with the law enforcement profession is that it seems most people don't give a all do."
We (The Meadow Lake Residents Association) want to thank Lt. Robert Shilling for all the extra work he has put into helping our association.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Amanda Piggott - Deceased but NOT Forgotten

As a resident of Meadow Lake, I was deeply disturbed by the article that appeared in the Valencia County News Bulletin on 2/3/07 regarding the charges brought against Nelda Piggott and her son Christopher in the negligent death of Amanda Piggott.

I am also appalled at the apparent disregard by the State agency (CYFD) to protect Amanda. The agency apparently received 8 notices of abuse and never lifted a finger to help or rescue Amanda.
In my eyes, they are at least equally guilty in the death of this child who was adopted by Mrs. Pigott. Why didn't CYFD which is charged with protecting our children's welfare, step in sooner? Is Meadow Lake so far out of the mainstream that even our needy and, in this case, totally neglected children are forgotten ?

As a member of the Meadow Lake Residents Association,
I'll make sure this issue is brought up on 2/10/07,
when we have our next monthly Assosiation Meeting
at the Meadow Lake Community Center.

As a father, grand-father and great-grandfather, it hurts deeply when an incident like this happen. Unfortunately, this isn't a perfect world or a perfect society. There is however no excuse for a watchdog agency like the State Children, Youth and Families Department
to stand idly by while a child is abused and neglected until she dies of dehydration.
Bob G.

Shame on them and shame on all of us for allowing this to happen.

A Valencia County jury on Oct 9th acquitted Nelda Anne Piggott who was on trial this week on charges that she placed her
14-year-old adopted disabled daughter in a situation that caused her death last year.
Christopher Piggott, 21, who has also been charged, is awaiting a hearing to determine competency.

The full story can be found in an article recently published in the News-Bulletin