Sat. Dec. 15 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM at the Meadow Lake Community Center
Help us celebrate our 1st Anniversary and the Christmas holidays.
A sign-up sheet for the Pot luck celebration will be available at the Meadow Lake Community Center starting Sat 12-08-07 when we hold our next
Meadow Lake Residents Association Meeting.
For the Celebration we will also be asking that all those who attend bring at least one can of non perishable food to be donated to the San Juan Diego Parish Food drive.
Here are the important dates to remember:
Meadow Lake Residents Association Meeting
at the Community center 10.00 AM
12-08-07 Older American Program Meeting starts following the
Association Meeting
12-15-07 Christmas - Pot Luck Anniversary Celebration 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Don't forget to bring FOOD for the celebration and a Non Perishable food item to be donated.
Thanks, see all of you soon.