Wednesday, December 26, 2007

"Red Sky at night, Sailors delight".
According to our Sunset tonight,
we should have a great day tomorrow.
Beautiful sunsets are just one of the joys of living
in Meadow Lake.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Christmas - Anniversary Celebration

Sat. Dec. 15 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM at the Meadow Lake Community Center
Help us celebrate our 1st Anniversary and the Christmas holidays.

A sign-up sheet for the Pot luck celebration will be available at the Meadow Lake Community Center starting Sat 12-08-07 when we hold our next
Meadow Lake Residents Association Meeting.

For the Celebration we will also be asking that all those who attend bring at least one can of non perishable food to be donated to the San Juan Diego Parish Food drive.

Here are the important dates to remember:

12-08-07 Meadow Lake Residents Association Meeting
at the Community center 10.00 AM
12-08-07 Older American Program Meeting starts following the
Association Meeting
12-15-07 Christmas - Pot Luck Anniversary Celebration 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Don't forget to bring FOOD for the celebration and a Non Perishable food item to be donated.

Thanks, see all of you soon.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Neighborhood Watch

Neighborhood Watch Organization Meeting
November 17 at 10:00AM
at the
Meadow Lake Community Center

Sponsored by our Commissioner
Lynette Pinkston
Deputy Sheriff Jorge Trujillo

All Residents Are Urged To Attend.

Stay informed. Visit the Association's website:

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Guest Speaker

Our District Attorney Lemuel Martinez will be our featured guest speaker at the next Meadow Lake Residents Association meeting to be held on Nov 10th from 10:00AM till 12Noon at the Meadow Lake Community Center. Bring your neighbor and some questions.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Giant Yard Sale

Giant Yard Sale Saturday 9-22-07
7:00 AM till 2:00 PM
at the Meadow Lake Community Center

Friday, September 14, 2007

A Sad Note

Our mascot JADE, who was owned by Bill and Rosemary LeBrecht passed away yesterday. She has been their friend and companion for the past 12 years and will be deeply missed. I and I'm sure the rest of the members of the Meadow Lake Residents Association extend our deepest sympathy.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Click picture to enlarge
The Meadow Lake Firehouse expansion project looks like it's getting close to completion.
The next Meadow Lake Residents Association will be held on 9-8-07 at 10:00 AM at the Meadow Lake Community Center. Bring a neighbor.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Town Hall Meeting

(Click to enlarge)
Commissioner Lynette Pinkston will be holding a Town Meeting on Tuesday Aug. 7th at 7:00PM at the Community Center to discuss the possible partial closing of Mesa Estates Rd. aka Fence Line Rd.
All interested residents are urged to attend.

Thanks to Cindy Sluter and Tierra Bonnita we again had a large dumpster delivered.

Construction is proceeding on schedule for both the Community Center and the Firehouse.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Your Association In The News

Following todays interesting meeting, several of the directors
of the Meadow Lake Community Association where interviewed.
KOB-TV (Channel 4) will show their highlights during the 6 PM and 10 PM News.
KOAT -TV (Channel 7) will show their highlights during the 10 PM News Today and, during the 6 AM News on Sunday.
Unfortunately or special guest Rep. Kiki Saavedra was unable to attend due to the unexpected death of a close friend.
He expects to meet with the directors in the near future to discuss our concerns in order to determine what help is able to offer.
More news to follow shortly.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Meet Rep. "Kiki" Saavedra

Henry "Kiki" Saavedra
Representative for the 10th District.
He is our Representative at the State Legislature
and will be our honored speaker at the
July 14th Meadow Lake Residents Association meeting.
Please attend, bring a friend and as always, remember that
every one is welcome.
The meeting starts at 10 AM at the Meadow Lake Community Center

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Sunset 6-22-07

Click picture to enlarge.
We had a cloud cover last night which made for a pretty sunset.
Unfortunately, we only got a few sprinkles out of this.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Firehouse Groundbreaking Pictures

On Sat. 6-16-07 a groundbreaking ceremony was held at the
Meadow Lake Firehouse. If you couldn't come, you missed a nice event.
Here are two alternate ways to see these pictures: Album

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Ground Breaking

There will be a ground breaking ceremony
at the Meadow Lake Firehouse on 6-16-2007
at 9AM. Please join us for this festive and important event.

Monday, April 30, 2007

A sucessful Community Project

59 brave soles showed up for our clean up campaign on the 21st of April 2007.
The winds blew so bad that it was hard to keep the trash from blowing out of the bags.
The bar-b-que /pot luck luncheon turned out great. All food was gone by 1:15pm.
But everyone enjoyed themselves, and worked very hard.
Thank you to all who helped with the clean up and brought food and drinks for the Pot-luck lunch and Bar B Que.
The Meadow Lake Residents Association appreciates all your efforts.
Thanks again!
Click here for more pictures.
Our next Meadow Lake Residents Association meeting is scheduled for May 12, 2007 at the Meadow Lake Community Center at 10 AM.
Bring a neighbor.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Your Tax Dollars At Work

(Click on any picture to enlarge it)

Sam Aragon, Lynette Pinkston, Rubin Chavez and, Tony Savilla
One of the Meadow Lake Residents Association's prime goals is the removal of abandoned and burned homes in our area. On April 2nd with the combined efforts of all those who make up the Association and represented on that day by one of our Directors, Sam Aragon, the abandoned home at 51 Osha was finally demolished and remove.
Our sincere thanks to County Commissioner Lynette Pinkston, Planning and Zoning Officer Rubin Chavez and the Abatement Officer Tony Savilla for making this goal a reality.
This wasn't the first and will not be the last home to either be renovated or remove.

Tony Savilla surveying the fruits of his labor.

The crew hard at work.

Monday, April 2, 2007

A Good Reason to live in Meadow Lake NM

To view a slide show of Sunset in Meadow Lake, Please click HERE
(High Speed Internet Access is suggested)

Patronize our Local Merchants .
It makes good Community and Economic sense.

Mr. George Boss was found yesterday in Albuquerque.
He is fine.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Community Clean-Up and Potluck Bar-b-que

Join us on April 21st from 8:00am till 3:00pm. We will take a break from 12:00 noon till 1:00 pm for a Potluck Bar-b-que. Come join us at the Meadow Lake Community Center at 8:00am to sign up for this community function. All able bodied residents are invited and needed. Help in keeping our community free of trash.
Working together, turns a chore into something enjoyable.

Please come and join us,
Rosemary LeBrecht

Saturday, March 31, 2007


George Boss of Meadow Lake wandered away from his home last night.
He is a tall, ( 6'2" ) elderly, (50 - 60 years) thin, man with gray hair.

Mr Boss suffers from Alzheimer's and is an insulin dependent diabetic who hasn't had any medication since last night.

If you see him, please call 911

Thank You Commissioner Lynette Pinkston

Re-striping of Meadowlake Road has been completed.

Safe passing zones are now clearly marked.
The new speed limits should be posted soon.

Our next Meadow Lake Residents Association meeting
is scheduled for April 14, 2007 at the Community Center.
Bring a neighbor.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

A successful Shot Clinic

Thanks to the combined efforts of some very
dedicated people, this past Saturday 3-17-2007
was a great day for 212 pooches who received vaccinations
that day.
You'll find more pictures of the event here

Monday, March 12, 2007

Your Help Is Urgently Needed

Early this morning ( 3/12-07 ) 42-year-old Kathleen Cooper was the victim of a fatal hit and run.
If you have any information, PLEASE contact the New Mexico State Police - the Valencia County Sheriff''s department (505)866-2400 or the Association's hot line.
You'll find phone numbers here
The incident occurred an Meadow Lake Road just east of Manzano Expressway.
Deputies believe the vehicle, which is estimated as having been traveling at about 55 miles per hour at the time, may have driven off the road when it struck Ms. Cooper. Evidence at the scene makes deputies believe the vehicle could be an early '90s model Ford.
Deputy Methola said Ms. Cooper is in critical condition at the University of New Mexico Hospital with two broken legs, a broken back and severe head injuries. She has undergone two surgeries, but the deputy said doctors still aren't sure if she'll survive.
Nearly three weeks after being struck from behind while walking on the side of the road, Kathleen Cooper died Friday 3-30-07 from her injuries. Cooper, 42, was struck by a vehicle while walking on Meadow Lake Road in the early morning hours of Monday, March 12.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Summary of the March Meeting

The meeting was called to order at 10 AM and following the customary and welcome Pledge of Allegiance, the agenda for this meeting was approved.
Our Fire Marshal Casey Davis was awarded a certificate of appreciation by Bill LeBrecht.
Sam Aragon brought us up-to-date on the items of interest which the board has actively perused since the last meeting.

Lt. Robert Shilling present an update of the Impact Program setup for the Meadow Lake area.
( An Impact Operation is a planned law enforcement activity involving more than one resource (Officer/Agent) and focused on meeting a specific goal or objective)
To Date, there have been 32 such "Operations" which resulted in the following aggregate results:
1. Total Arrests to date: 41
2. Drug and Property Activity to date:
Firearms Seized: 7 Stolen Vehicles recovered: 11
Recovered Property: 3 Incidents
Total Drugs confiscated (including Marijuana, Meth and Cocaine) valued in excess of $330,000.00
3. On the lighter side, some of us have also learned to slow down a bit and are all wearing our seat belts. It's the safer and cheaper thing to do......

Judy Babcock from Quixote Humane, Inc. filled us in on the upcoming Meadow Lake Shot Clinic which will be held on March 17th from 10 AM TO 2 PM.

The Association's By-laws where given out, read, discussed and, after a few minor adjustment where unanimously approved by the members.

For those of you able to attend, the next County Commissioner's Meeting will be held on
March 14th at 5 PM at the Court House.

On April 21 2007 a Community Cleanup with POT LUCK & BAR-B-QUE is planned. If you haven't signed up, contact the Association.

The Meeting was adjourned at 12:40 PM

Our next Meadow Lake Residents Association meeting will be held on April 14 2007 from 10 AM to 12 PM at the Meadow Lake Community Center

Friday, March 9, 2007

Meadow Lake Shot Clinic

Saturday March 17 2007
10:00 AM To 2:00 PM
at the
Meadow Lake Community Center
$5.00 Per Dog which includes:
Parvo/Distemper 5-way shot
Rabies vaccination (required by State law)
One year County license (required by County)
Voucher for $20 spay or $15 neuter (by April 10, 2007)
Collar and Gift pack first 100 dogs

For further information call: (505) 203-4459
or check out the Quixote News and Events

Sponsored by:
Meadow Lake Residents Association
Quixote Humane, Inc

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Valencia County Hospital Site Approved

The county commission met at 9 a.m. Wednesday, March 7, at the boardroom in the county courthouse. The consideration of a hospital site was again on the agenda, after being tabled at the Feb. 21 commission meeting.

The site located at Rt 47 and Manzano Expressway was ultimately chosen after a fairly boisterous discussion. Commissioner Ron Gentry, Commissioner Lynette Pinkston and, Commissioner Georgia Otero-Kirkham voting in favor of this site.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

CYFD - Implement Changes - NOW

The article in the News-Bulletin on 2/14/07 and the responses made by CYFD Cabinet Secretary-Designate Dorian Dodson, should have been titled "CYFD evaluates how to best avoid responsibility"

At this point, finding excuses or looking for others to blame or, planning for some distant future changes will NOT prevent another loss of life that should have been prevented by CYFD.

It is time for this agency to own up to it's mistakes and take the lead in implementing immediate changes in it's flawed responses to the needs to the children this agency was set up to protect.

There is unfortunately nothing that any one can do to bring Amanda Piggott back. CYFD can however make the necessary changes to prevent another senseless death.

CYFD - Implement Changes - Do it NOW.....

Sunday, February 18, 2007

An Update and a Thank You

After a little over a month of intensive work, the Valencia County Hospital Planning Board presented its final three hospital site suggestions to the county commission Wednesday evening (2/17/06). There where quite a few remarks made from various representatives from local home owners and community associations which can best be summed up as follows:
The hospital is being built to prevent local patients from having to drive to Albuquerque and should be where the people are going to use it. It's not built for the doctors convenience. Although none of the 3 sites are perfect, it was the general consensus of the community representatives present, that the site at Highway 47 and Manzano Expressway would be the most favorable for the residents not living near Interstate 25.
The commission is expected to make a decision on a hospital site at its 9 a.m. meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 21, at the courthouse.
You are all urged to attend and may express your own opinions in the open discussion portion of this meeting.

Lt. Robert Shilling of the New Mexico State Police recently made the following remark to Rosemary LeBrecht:
"This situation/project going on in Meadow lake is my 'ideal' of what law enforcement should be all about...and it's about time! I'm in it for the long haul... One of my long standing 'distastes' with the law enforcement profession is that it seems most people don't give a all do."
We (The Meadow Lake Residents Association) want to thank Lt. Robert Shilling for all the extra work he has put into helping our association.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Amanda Piggott - Deceased but NOT Forgotten

As a resident of Meadow Lake, I was deeply disturbed by the article that appeared in the Valencia County News Bulletin on 2/3/07 regarding the charges brought against Nelda Piggott and her son Christopher in the negligent death of Amanda Piggott.

I am also appalled at the apparent disregard by the State agency (CYFD) to protect Amanda. The agency apparently received 8 notices of abuse and never lifted a finger to help or rescue Amanda.
In my eyes, they are at least equally guilty in the death of this child who was adopted by Mrs. Pigott. Why didn't CYFD which is charged with protecting our children's welfare, step in sooner? Is Meadow Lake so far out of the mainstream that even our needy and, in this case, totally neglected children are forgotten ?

As a member of the Meadow Lake Residents Association,
I'll make sure this issue is brought up on 2/10/07,
when we have our next monthly Assosiation Meeting
at the Meadow Lake Community Center.

As a father, grand-father and great-grandfather, it hurts deeply when an incident like this happen. Unfortunately, this isn't a perfect world or a perfect society. There is however no excuse for a watchdog agency like the State Children, Youth and Families Department
to stand idly by while a child is abused and neglected until she dies of dehydration.
Bob G.

Shame on them and shame on all of us for allowing this to happen.

A Valencia County jury on Oct 9th acquitted Nelda Anne Piggott who was on trial this week on charges that she placed her
14-year-old adopted disabled daughter in a situation that caused her death last year.
Christopher Piggott, 21, who has also been charged, is awaiting a hearing to determine competency.

The full story can be found in an article recently published in the News-Bulletin

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Thank You Lieutenant Robert W. Shilling

On Saturday Jan 27th 2006, Lieutenant Robert W Shilling
conducted the "Refuse to Be A Victim" program at the
Meadow Lake Community Center.

Approximately 40 people attended this extremely worthwhile and
informative program.

For those of you who could not attend, remember, the program is available on the Internet at:

We all owe Lieutenant Robert W Shilling a great big "Thanks"
for the effort he has put into his presentation and for his and
the New Mexico State Police's continued involvement and support
they are giving to the Meadow Lake Community.

Road Block

On Thursday, Jan 25 2006 the New Mexico State Police
manned a surprise Road Block and netted the following results:

-5 warrant arrests
-1 stolen car
-2 guns seized
-3 cars towed
-4 gang members identified
and interviewed
-some minor narcotics seizures
- they also identified the gang members who've
been responsible for a lot of the tagging the
Meadow Lakes Community
- the State Police also received a lot of valuable information
on still ongoing criminal activities

Lieutenant Robert W. Shilling of the NM State police stated that
90% of the people they talked to while conducting the road block
where extremely happy to see them.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Thank You

One of our newest members Gene Nall, did an excellent job in summing up the important items covered in our last meeting. Here is what he wrote in a letter to the editor of the Valencia County News-Bulletin:

Join a group to help your community

"Today, Saturday, Jan. 13, I attended the Meadow Lake Residents Association meeting. Even though I do not live in Meadow Lake proper, a few miles west on Meadow Lake Road, I felt as if it may be to my interest to check out the meeting.
I was very impressed by the great turn-out of residents, state and county law enforcement officers, zoning, animal control, Tierra Bonita and our county commissioner as well as appointed association officers. In fact, I was so impressed that I signed up as a member of the association. Ya know, strength in numbers.
I believe it would be beneficial if others not living in Meadow Lake proper would also become members and participate in helping in the clean-up and crime prevention for this area. It would also be well if residents of other communities would adopt a similar program.
... There are many things to be learned, such as getting license plate numbers and reporting them to the proper source when you observe littering or even trash falling from vehicles. There is an ordinance that the trash being hauled must be covered."

A sincere Thank You Mr Nall for your kind words and welcome to the Association.

The "Refuse to Be A Victim" program will be presented on Saturday Jan 27th 10 AM at the Meadow Lake Community Center. Don't forget to Bring your lunch.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Short Update


We had another great meeting today including quite a few new members.
A complete update will follow in a few days but I thought the Emergency phone numbers needed to be posted as soon as possible:

Dont forget to visit our Website