The meeting was called to order at 10 AM and following the customary and welcome Pledge of Allegiance, the agenda for this meeting was approved.
Our Fire Marshal Casey Davis was awarded a certificate of appreciation by Bill LeBrecht.
Sam Aragon brought us up-to-date on the items of interest which the board has actively perused since the last meeting.
Lt. Robert Shilling present an update of the Impact Program setup for the
Meadow Lake area.
( An Impact Operation is a planned law enforcement activity involving more than one resource (Officer/Agent) and focused on meeting a specific goal or objective)
To Date, there have been 32 such "Operations" which resulted in the following aggregate results:
1. Total Arrests to date: 41
2. Drug and Property Activity to date:
Firearms Seized: 7 Stolen Vehicles recovered: 11
Recovered Property: 3 Incidents
Total Drugs confiscated (including Marijuana, Meth and Cocaine) valued in excess of $330,000.00
3. On the lighter side, some of us have also learned to slow down a bit and are all wearing our seat belts. It's the safer and cheaper thing to do......
Judy Babcock from
Quixote Humane, Inc. filled us in on the upcoming
Meadow Lake Shot Clinic which will be held on
March 17th from
10 AM TO 2 PM.
The Association's By-laws where given out, read, discussed and, after a few minor adjustment where unanimously approved by the members.
For those of you able to attend, the next County Commissioner's Meeting will be held on
March 14th at
5 PM at the
Court House.
April 21 2007 a Community Cleanup with POT LUCK & BAR-B-QUE is planned. If you haven't signed up,
contact the Association.
The Meeting was adjourned at 12:40 PM
Our next
Meadow Lake Residents Association meeting will be held on
April 14 2007 from
10 AM to
12 PM at the
Meadow Lake Community Center